from abc import abstractmethod
from collections import namedtuple
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum
from math import inf
from typing import Callable
from alpyne.utils import parse_number, extended_namedtuple
from alpyne.typing import Number
class _AnalysisObject:
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if cls is _AnalysisObject:
raise TypeError(f"only children of '{cls.__name__}' may be instantiated")
return object.__new__(cls)
def __post_init__(self):
""" Post-processing any values, namely to turn any "Infinity"/"-Infinity" to Python numbers """
for name, value in vars(self).items():
if isinstance(value, str):
setattr(self, name, parse_number(value))
class _Statistics(_AnalysisObject):
count: int = 0
mean: float = 0.0
confidence: float = inf
min: float = inf
max: float = -inf
deviation: float = 0.0
class StatisticsDiscrete(_Statistics):
sum: float = 0.0
class StatisticsContinuous(_Statistics):
integral: float = 0.0
class DataSet(_AnalysisObject):
xmin: float = inf
xmean: float = 0.0
xmedian: float = 0.0
xmax: float = -inf
ymin: float = inf
ymean: float = 0.0
ymedian: float = 0.0
ymax: float = -inf
plainDataTable: list[list[float]] = field(default_factory=list)
def x_values(self) -> list[float]:
return [row[0] for row in self.plainDataTable]
def y_values(self) -> list[float]:
return [row[1] for row in self.plainDataTable]
class HistogramSmartData(_AnalysisObject):
count: int = 0
lowerBound: float = 0.0
intervalWidth: float = 0.1
hits: list[int] = field(default_factory=list)
statistics: _Statistics = field(default_factory=_Statistics)
def __post_init__(self):
# given statistics may initially be passed as a dict; convert to the correct type
if isinstance(self.statistics, dict):
self.statistics = _Statistics(**self.statistics)
class HistogramSimpleData(HistogramSmartData):
hitsOutLow: float = 0.0
hitsOutHigh: float = 0.0
class Histogram2DData(_AnalysisObject):
hits: list[list[int]] = field(default_factory=list)
hitsOutLow: list[int] = field(default_factory=list)
hitsOutHigh: list[int] = field(default_factory=list)
xMin: float = inf
xMax: float = -inf
yMin: float = inf
yMax: float = -inf
_BaseUnitAttrs = namedtuple('BaseUnitAttrs', ['symbol'])
"""Baseline named tuple, inherited by the others with a similar name; all enums have a 'symbol' attribute describing the string label for the unit"""
_NumericUnitAttrs = extended_namedtuple('NumericUnitAttrs', ['conversion_factor', _BaseUnitAttrs])
"""Named tuple used to describe units with only a numeric attribute; used by units describing Amount, Time, Length, and Angle"""
_SpaceUnitAttrs = extended_namedtuple('SpaceUnitAttrs', ['length_unit', _BaseUnitAttrs]) # area
"""Named tuple used to describe units with a length component; used by AreaUnits"""
_RateUnitAttrs = extended_namedtuple('RateUnitAttrs', ['time_unit', _BaseUnitAttrs]) # rate
"""Named tuple used to describe units with a time component; used by RateUnits"""
_VelocityUnitAttrs = extended_namedtuple('VelocityUnitAttrs',
['spacial_unit', _RateUnitAttrs]) # accel, speed, flow, rotation speed
"""Named tuple used to describe units with time and spacial components; used by units describing Acceleration, Speed, Flow, and RotationSpeed"""
class _UnitEnum(Enum):
"""Abstract, base class inherited by other unit classes"""
def __init__(self, symbol=None):
self.symbol = symbol or "?"
def modifier(self, units: '_UnitEnum') -> float:
raise NotImplementedError()
def convert_to(self, this_amount: float, new_units: '_UnitEnum') -> float:
raise NotImplementedError()
class AmountUnits(_UnitEnum):
LITER = _NumericUnitAttrs(0.001, 'L')
OIL_BARREL = _NumericUnitAttrs(0.158987295, 'barrels')
CUBIC_METER = _NumericUnitAttrs(1.0, 'm3')
KILOGRAM = _NumericUnitAttrs(1.0, 'kg')
TON = _NumericUnitAttrs(1000.0, 'ton')
def __init__(self, conversion_factor, symbol):
self.conversion_factor = conversion_factor
def modifier(self, units: 'AmountUnits') -> float:
return self.conversion_factor / units.conversion_factor
def convert_to(self, this_amount: float, new_units: 'AmountUnits') -> float:
return this_amount * self.modifier(new_units)
class TimeUnits(_UnitEnum):
MILLISECOND = _NumericUnitAttrs(0.001, "ms")
SECOND = _NumericUnitAttrs(1.0, "sec")
MINUTE = _NumericUnitAttrs(60.0, "min")
HOUR = _NumericUnitAttrs(3600.0, "hr")
DAY = _NumericUnitAttrs(86400.0, "day")
WEEK = _NumericUnitAttrs(604800.0, "wk")
MONTH = _NumericUnitAttrs(2592000.0, "mn")
YEAR = _NumericUnitAttrs(3.1536E7, "yr")
def __init__(self, conversion_factor, symbol):
self.conversion_factor = conversion_factor
def modifier(self, units: 'TimeUnits') -> float:
return self.conversion_factor / units.conversion_factor
def convert_to(self, this_amount: float, new_units: 'TimeUnits') -> float:
return this_amount * self.modifier(new_units)
class LengthUnits(_UnitEnum):
MILLIMETER = _NumericUnitAttrs(0.001, "mm")
CENTIMETER = _NumericUnitAttrs(0.01, "cm")
METER = _NumericUnitAttrs(1.0, "m")
KILOMETER = _NumericUnitAttrs(1000.0, "km")
INCH = _NumericUnitAttrs(0.0254, "in")
FOOT = _NumericUnitAttrs(0.3048, "ft")
YARD = _NumericUnitAttrs(0.9144, "yd")
MILE = _NumericUnitAttrs(1609.344, "m")
NAUTICAL_MILE = _NumericUnitAttrs(1853.184, "nm")
def __init__(self, conversion_factor, symbol):
self.conversion_factor = conversion_factor
def modifier(self, units: 'LengthUnits') -> float:
return self.conversion_factor / units.conversion_factor
def convert_to(self, this_amount: float, new_units: 'LengthUnits') -> float:
return this_amount * self.modifier(new_units)
class AngleUnits(_UnitEnum):
TURN = _NumericUnitAttrs(6.283185307179586, 'turn')
RADIAN = _NumericUnitAttrs(1.0, 'rad')
DEGREE = _NumericUnitAttrs(0.017453292519943295, 'deg')
def __init__(self, conversion_factor, symbol):
self.conversion_factor = conversion_factor
def modifier(self, units: 'AngleUnits') -> float:
return self.conversion_factor / units.conversion_factor
def convert_to(self, this_amount: float, new_units: 'AngleUnits') -> float:
return this_amount * self.modifier(new_units)
class AreaUnits(_UnitEnum):
SQ_MILLIMETER = _SpaceUnitAttrs(LengthUnits.MILLIMETER, "mm2")
SQ_CENTIMETER = _SpaceUnitAttrs(LengthUnits.CENTIMETER, "cm2")
SQ_METER = _SpaceUnitAttrs(LengthUnits.METER, "m2")
SQ_KILOMETER = _SpaceUnitAttrs(LengthUnits.KILOMETER, "km2")
SQ_INCH = _SpaceUnitAttrs(LengthUnits.INCH, "in2")
SQ_FOOT = _SpaceUnitAttrs(LengthUnits.FOOT, "ft2")
SQ_YARD = _SpaceUnitAttrs(LengthUnits.YARD, "yard2")
SQ_MILE = _SpaceUnitAttrs(LengthUnits.MILE, "mile2")
SQ_NAUTICAL_MILE = _SpaceUnitAttrs(LengthUnits.NAUTICAL_MILE, "nautmile2")
def __init__(self, length_unit: 'LengthUnits', symbol: str):
super().__init__(symbol) = length_unit.modifier(LengthUnits.METER) ** 2
self.length_unit = length_unit
def modifier(self, units: 'AreaUnits') -> float:
return /
def convert_to(self, this_amount: float, new_units: 'AreaUnits') -> float:
return this_amount * self.modifier(new_units)
class RateUnits(_UnitEnum):
PER_MILLISECOND = _RateUnitAttrs(TimeUnits.MILLISECOND, "per ms")
PER_SECOND = _RateUnitAttrs(TimeUnits.SECOND, "per sec")
PER_MINUTE = _RateUnitAttrs(TimeUnits.MINUTE, "per min")
PER_HOUR = _RateUnitAttrs(TimeUnits.HOUR, "per hr")
PER_DAY = _RateUnitAttrs(TimeUnits.DAY, "per day")
PER_WEEK = _RateUnitAttrs(TimeUnits.WEEK, "per wk")
PER_MONTH = _RateUnitAttrs(TimeUnits.MONTH, "per month")
PER_YEAR = _RateUnitAttrs(TimeUnits.YEAR, "per year")
def __init__(self, time_unit, symbol):
self.time_unit = time_unit
def modifier(self, units: 'RateUnits') -> float:
return 1.0 / self.time_unit.modifier(units.time_unit)
def convert_to(self, this_amount: float, new_units: 'RateUnits') -> float:
return this_amount * self.modifier(new_units)
class AccelerationUnits(_UnitEnum):
MPS_SQ = _VelocityUnitAttrs(LengthUnits.METER, TimeUnits.SECOND, "mps2")
FPS_SQ = _VelocityUnitAttrs(LengthUnits.FOOT, TimeUnits.SECOND, "fps2")
def __init__(self, length_unit, time_unit, symbol):
self.length_unit = length_unit
self.time_unit = time_unit
def modifier(self, units: 'AccelerationUnits') -> float:
d = self.time_unit.modifier(units.time_unit)
return self.length_unit.modifier(units.length_unit) / d * d
def convert_to(self, this_amount: float, new_units: 'AccelerationUnits') -> float:
return this_amount * self.modifier(new_units)
class SpeedUnits(_UnitEnum):
MPS = _VelocityUnitAttrs(LengthUnits.METER, TimeUnits.SECOND, "meters per second")
KPH = _VelocityUnitAttrs(LengthUnits.KILOMETER, TimeUnits.HOUR, "kilometers per hour")
FPS = _VelocityUnitAttrs(LengthUnits.FOOT, TimeUnits.SECOND, "feet per second")
FPM = _VelocityUnitAttrs(LengthUnits.FOOT, TimeUnits.MINUTE, "feet per minute")
MPH = _VelocityUnitAttrs(LengthUnits.MILE, TimeUnits.HOUR, "miles per hour")
KN = _VelocityUnitAttrs(LengthUnits.NAUTICAL_MILE, TimeUnits.HOUR, "knots")
def __init__(self, length_unit, time_unit, symbol):
self.length_unit = length_unit
self.time_unit = time_unit
def modifier(self, units: 'SpeedUnits') -> float:
return self.length_unit.modifier(units.length_unit) / self.time_unit.modifier(units.time_unit)
def convert_to(self, this_amount: float, new_units: 'SpeedUnits') -> float:
return this_amount * self.modifier(new_units)
class FlowRateUnits(_UnitEnum):
LITER_PER_SECOND = _VelocityUnitAttrs(AmountUnits.LITER, TimeUnits.SECOND, "liter per second")
OIL_BARREL_PER_SECOND = _VelocityUnitAttrs(AmountUnits.OIL_BARREL, TimeUnits.SECOND, "oil barrel per second")
CUBIC_METER_PER_SECOND = _VelocityUnitAttrs(AmountUnits.CUBIC_METER, TimeUnits.SECOND, "meter3 per second")
KILOGRAM_PER_SECOND = _VelocityUnitAttrs(AmountUnits.KILOGRAM, TimeUnits.SECOND, "kilogram per second")
TON_PER_SECOND = _VelocityUnitAttrs(AmountUnits.TON, TimeUnits.SECOND, "ton per second")
def __init__(self, amount_unit, time_unit, symbol):
self.amount_unit = amount_unit
self.time_unit = time_unit
def modifier(self, units: 'FlowRateUnits') -> float:
return self.amount_unit.modifier(units.amount_unit) / self.time_unit.modifier(units.time_unit)
def convert_to(self, this_amount: float, new_units: 'FlowRateUnits') -> float:
return this_amount * self.modifier(new_units)
class RotationSpeedUnits(_UnitEnum):
RPM = _VelocityUnitAttrs(AngleUnits.TURN, TimeUnits.MINUTE, "rotations per minute")
RAD_PER_SECOND = _VelocityUnitAttrs(AngleUnits.RADIAN, TimeUnits.SECOND, "radians per second")
DEG_PER_SECOND = _VelocityUnitAttrs(AngleUnits.DEGREE, TimeUnits.SECOND, "degrees per second")
def __init__(self, angle_unit, time_unit, symbol):
self.angle_unit = angle_unit
self.time_unit = time_unit
def modifier(self, units: 'RotationSpeedUnits') -> float:
return self.angle_unit.modifier(units.angle_unit) / self.time_unit.modifier(units.time_unit)
def convert_to(self, this_amount: float, new_units: 'RotationSpeedUnits') -> float:
return this_amount * self.modifier(new_units)
class UnitValue:
A custom type to represent some numerical value with units.
value: Number
unit: _UnitEnum | str # will get converted to correct unit during initialization
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.value} {self.unit.symbol}"
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def __post_init__(self):
# convert unit to proper type
if isinstance(self.unit, str):
# loop thru all unit types, finding the first with a member whose name matches `self.unit`,
# then overwrite with the new value
for cls in (
AmountUnits, TimeUnits, LengthUnits, AngleUnits, AreaUnits, RateUnits, AccelerationUnits, SpeedUnits,
FlowRateUnits, RotationSpeedUnits):
unit = next(filter(lambda e: == self.unit, cls))
self.unit = unit
except StopIteration:
raise AttributeError(f"Could not find correct unit-type for provided unit '{self.unit}'")
def _check_type_and_convert(self, other):
if isinstance(other, (int, float)):
return other, self.unit
if not isinstance(other, UnitValue):
raise NotImplementedError(
f"Can only apply an operation on a UnitValue and a number, not type {type(other)}")
if type(self.unit) != type(other.unit):
raise NotImplementedError(
f"Cannot apply operation on UnitValue objects with different unit types (this={self.unit}, other={other.unit})")
return other.unit.convert_to(other.value, self.unit), self.unit
def _apply_operation(self, other: Number | 'UnitValue',
operation: Callable[[Number | 'UnitValue', Number | 'UnitValue'], Number]):
other_value, unit = self._check_type_and_convert(other)
new_value = operation(self.value, other_value)
return UnitValue(new_value, unit)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> float:
if len(args) != 1 or kwargs:
raise TypeError("Call to unit value only accepts 1 argument for the new unit to convert to.")
new_unit: _UnitEnum = args[0]
if not isinstance(new_unit, type(self.unit)):
raise TypeError("Argument to unit value must be of the same type as the original units")
return self.unit.convert_to(self.value, new_unit)
def __add__(self, other: Number | 'UnitValue'):
return self._apply_operation(other, lambda a, b: a + b)
def __sub__(self, other: Number | 'UnitValue'):
return self._apply_operation(other, lambda a, b: a - b)
def __mul__(self, other: Number | 'UnitValue'):
return self._apply_operation(other, lambda a, b: a * b)
def __truediv__(self, other: Number | 'UnitValue'):
return self._apply_operation(other, lambda a, b: a / b)
def __iadd__(self, other):
new_uv = self.__add__(other)
self.value = new_uv.value
def __isub__(self, other):
new_uv = self.__sub__(other)
self.value = new_uv.value
def __imul__(self, other):
new_uv = self.__mul__(other)
self.value = new_uv.value
def __itruediv__(self, other):
new_uv = self.__truediv__(other)
self.value = new_uv.value
def __int__(self):
return int(self.value)
def __float__(self):
return float(self.value)
def __iter__(self):
yield self.value
yield self.unit